Terms and Conditions

Transport Tickets

Terms and Conditions

1) The transport ticket is valid for the day and hour of travel written on it.

2) Children from 4 (four) years old and up to (and including) the age of 12 must purchase a child ticket and must be accompanied by an adult or youth. It is not possible to buy a child ticket for the front row of the vehicles (seats 1, 2, 3 and 4).

3) Children under the age of 4 (four) can travel free of charge (DL 9/2015 of 15 January, Art. 10th/2) as long as they are properly accompanied and do not occupy a seat.

4) Youngsters aged 13 (inclusive) to 29 can buy a youth ticket, travelling under their responsibility.

5) Through the Contact Center Service, +351 21 75 24 524 (call to national landline network), ticket sales are provided for the same day or later days. The customer only has 30 minutes to make the respective payment, according to the indication received via SMS or Email. After this period has expired, the reserved seat will be automatically canceled and the MB payment reference will expire.

6) Online purchases made through our website (www.rede-expressos.pt) or through our mobile app myRNE, allow you to present the e-tickets on your mobile devices in digital format [Tablet, Smartphone or laptop] is accepted to board the vehicles of Rede Expressos, MundialTurismo, Citiexpress, Renex and Rodonorte.

7) When you purchase your ticket by telephone through our Contact Center +351 21 75 24 524 (call to national landline network), you will receive it by SMS, which you will need to present to the Driver upon boarding. Please keep your mobile phone with you till the end of your journey, as it carries your valid ticket.

8) If you have bought a discount ticket, please bring along the document (ID, Passport, RFlex Card or any relevant document) that enables you to hold that specific ticket.

9) The RFlex discount is applied exclusively to services operated by Rede Expressos, Renex, Citiexpress and Rodonorte. Services that connect with other operating companies will not have the application of RFlex discount.

10) If there are active promotions, the promotional seats are specific and are predefined in the vehicle diagram, with customers subject to their availability.

11) No RFlex discounts are applied to the sale of tickets on board vehicles.

12) Discounts are not accumulated on transportation tickets on Rede Expressos, Mundial Turismo, Citiexpress, Renex and Rodonorte services.

13) Seats 1 to 4 and/or 1 to 8 cannot be purchased with discount or promotional tickets:

13.1) Seats 1 to 4 - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

13.2) Seats 1 to 8 - Monday, Friday and Sunday.

14) On the calculated normal price, a tariff range with variable discounts (subject to rounding to multiples of € 0.10) will be applied based on seasonality, segmentation, occupation, anticipation, Origin / Destination, Schedule, Purchase Frequency and Sales channel.

15) The presentation of the ticket is mandatory in the act of complaint.

16) No reimbursements will be made due to temporary unavailability of one or more sales channels.

17) The Company reserves the right to modify the seat assigned to the passenger, if the operating conditions so require. In these cases, there will be no refund of differences in values due to the exceptional nature of the change.

18) Rede Expressos reserves the right to change or suppress types of tariffs or discounts practiced, provided they are duly communicated in Conditions of Use.

19) If you don't receive your e-ticket and you have paid for it, use the "Download ticket" button at the top of the Rede Expressos homepage. Enter the necessary details and you'll be able to download your ticket. If you still can't get it, use the contact form available online at https://rede-expressos.pt/en/contacts, choosing the "E-ticket not received" option, describing what happened, indicating your booking number or the details you were asked for during the purchase, namely: name, ID number, email address used for the purchase, origin/destination of the journey. In bus terminals equipped with automatic ticket kiosks, you must collect your ticket from the automatic kiosk. If you haven't received your electronic ticket due to a human error in writing your email, there will be no revalidation or refund.

20) The arrangement of seats during online purchase is intended to serve as a reference for the choice of seat, and may not correspond exactly to the arrangement of seats in the travel vehicle. To change your seat, choose the seat reserved for you and then click on a free seat.

21) Data communication via digital channels is not guaranteed to be error-free nor can it be permanently accessible. It is not possible to develop and maintain infallible software and hardware systems that exclude all the unpredictable factors that may occur in conjunction with internet support, whether those factors are the company's direct or indirect responsibility. As such, Rede Expressos cannot take any guarantee for the constant availability of its website / application and other computer systems that support them. This means that the constant availability of online purchases cannot be guaranteed. Thus, there will be no refund of differences in value or price matching at a discount if, due to technical problems, the sales system becomes unavailable, totally or partially, at a certain point in time (eg, ticket sales promotional items, RFlex or other discounted tickets).

22) The commercial conditions, discounts and tariff ranges in force are those communicated at www.rede-expressos.pt. The information contained in this channel prevails over any other communication channels.

23) Rede Expressos will not be held liable for the loss of connections with other transports.

International Lines - Liability:

1) Carrier liability falls upon the company which actually performs the service. The Carrier shall not be responsible for any noncompliance not directly attributable thereto, nor for any events resulting from unforeseen circumstances, force majeure, or due compliance with legal or administrative requirements. Likewise, it shall not be liable for losses related to its services and connections with other Carriers, whether of its own or others. On international lines, any liability which may arise shall pertain to the company providing the transportation, in accordance with the laws and courts of their country, and it is the sole responsibility of the Traveller to be equipped with the necessary documents for border crossing and completion of the trip. Regarding passengers on the transport services whose point of boarding or unboarding is located in the territory of a Member State of the European Union, depending on the distance of the journey to be made, the Passenger Rights that can be consulted in Regulation 181/2011 are applicable.

2) Regarding passengers on the transport services whose point of boarding or unboarding is located in the territory of a Member State of the European Union, depending on the distance of the journey to be made, the Passenger Rights that can be consulted in Regulation 181/2011 are applicable.

3) Tickets acquired online are personal. To use them, it is necessary to verify the ID Card or Passport of the Traveller and that the information contained therein matches that shown on the ticket.

4) The transport company may change the seat originally allocated to customer if the transport conditions demand such change is necessary.

5) The transport ticket is valid for the day and hour of travel written on it. Keep your ticket throughout the entirety of your journey.

6) On international service, the passenger must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the departure at the departure point. Likewise, in international service, minors under 16 years of age must travel accompanied by a legally authorized adult. Youths aged between 16 and 18 need a passport and the parents’ written authorization to travel.

7) Online systems and transmission of data through the Internet are not exempt of errors/technical issues, nor can such systems be permanently accessible. It is not possible to develop and maintain infallible software and hardware systems able to prevent all unpredictable factors that may occur in conjunction with internet communication, whether these factors are of direct or indirect responsibility regarding our brands. As such, Rede Expressos cannot assure or guarantee the constant availability of our site / mobile application and any other systems that support them. This means that a constant availability of online booking cannot be guaranteed. Hence, there will be no refunds or hypothetical discount price matches in the event of technical problems or if the online or offline sales system become unavailable at a given moment in time.

8) On international routes discounts for children and infants are available. The discount varies depending on the route selected.

8.1) It is mandatory to present documentation proving the age of the child or infant when boarding the bus.

8.2) The "Child" discount will be applied on the price of an adult ticket at the basic fare, basic fare being the price of the journey without special fares, discounts or promotions. This discount cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts.

8.3) The child ticket must always be associated with an adult ticket.

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